And now, an exceptional money saving tip from the most unlikely of sources: Two year-old Nora Jane. Looking to save a little bit extra on those peskily expensive items of produce? Live n’ learn, folks, live n’ learn. Here’s how Nora does it: We walk to Cermak Produce, our favorite exceptionally affordable Hispanic grocery store. Walking through its vast aisles of fruits and veggies, Nora happily announces that she wants apples! Eggplants! Whatever that spiky thing is! (One of those vaguely {Read More}
And everything will bring a chain of looove…
A kid now lives in this room. Money’s weird. (Don’t get me wrong, I love it. But I tend to love a lot of weird things; liverwurst, sleeping with a blanket over my ear, the first three Underworld movies…) I have four jobs. One pays really well. The next two- not so much. (Can you tell which two are in the field called The Arts?) The fourth is completely unpaid…and may just be my favorite, anyhow. But it turns out {Read More}