Five Reasons My Heart Feels Good Today.

Wearin’ our buttons for Pop! Socks, no. Buttons, yes. So maybe I missed the boat on the whole pre-Thanksgiving Giving Thanks thing…but I’ve compiled a nice little list of stuff that makes me exceptionally cheerful today. 5) My Dad is officially Dave: Unplugged. (From the wires and IVs and pokey things that make it hard to sleep.) Even though he’s still in the hospital, he’s now Mobile[ish]

In Dog Years It’s A Lot Longer.

We look so, so awesome in this picture. To my darling, patient, better-than-I-sometimes-deserve but always-exactly-what-I-need husband on our fourth anniversary… Nothing has changed yet everything has changed and I wouldn’t change a thing. (Except for maybe one or two teensy things regarding our homestead.) But let’s review those crazy ol’ vows, shall we? When I said “for better,” I was most likely talking about Sunday mornings with our daughters, the paper, a questionable amount of bacon, and one of your stellar mixes {Read More}

The Big Six (Months).

Oh Susannah, Yesterday, you turned six months old. This is crazypants. It’s sometimes hard to believe that you did not even exist until your Dad and I said to each other, “You know what? This Kid Thing is so awesomely fun that we should have another, and then the fun will never ever have to stop, not even once.” A few things have happened between then and now, such as you grew fingernails and blood cells and simply wild amounts of {Read More}

Is This A KISSING book?

Next, I shall paint my sister. It’s totally almost Valentine’s Day. And I have plans. Huge ones. For starters, Nora and I have already chosen pink and red outfits for ourselves. And for baby Susannah. And for P.J. (Sorry, P.J.) We’ve lined up a few messy, glittery projects for the day- among them, a fabulous Martha Stewart craft that will either a) light up our home and ‘hood with sparkly loveliness, or b) burn down the block. I’m planning on {Read More}

Slow It Down, Friend.

Soon I’m gonna be 15. Time is skipping by. Actually, no, that’s not quite true. Time is racing, speeding, and zipping by- faster than a two year-old can unravel an entire roll of Charmin toilet paper. Susannah is already three months old. And Nora is edging ever closer to actual big kid-dom. Zuzu is making sport out of outgrowing newborn clothing…and three months clothing…and certain three to six months clothing of the fancy dress persuasion… With Little Nora Thumbelina, we {Read More}

Also "Lords A’Leaping." I Also Wish You That.

In light of the fact that I am currently traveling through Chicago’s luxurious Midway Airport, I’ll keep my Christmas greeting brief (yet full of love- and perhaps only a bit of pith): During this holiday season (and anytime else, really), I wish you cookies without slightly burned undersides, rendering the whole cookie kinda smoky… …And helpful people. Like mail carriers who remember to close the mailbox on rainy/snowy days. And toddlers who don’t remove their boots in public places. Like {Read More}

I Am Also Thankful For Pie.

I am thankful for so many things this year. My family (and their health.) My friends (and their continued awesomeness- and, uh, health.) Bean and Ender- even though they continue to wake us up at ungodly hours to let us know their kitty bowls are half-full. The fact that I get to write every day…and have people sometimes want to see it. I am excruciatingly thankful for the crazy-easy six hour drive we took yesterday with the girls. But mostly? {Read More}

She’s In Real Danger Of Getting Noshed, Here.

Is it so wrong to want to eat another person’s face? …Yes? Okay, but how about if they have positively Winston Churchillesque cheeks on a newborn’s sweet-smelling li’l head? Isn’t that an edible juxtaposition? …Still no? There is something about this kid’s Thousand Yard Stare that makes me feel faintly apologetic for the things I know she knows about me. She’s a Very Old Soul. (Maybe a grandmother of mine. Maybe a great. Maybe someone else’s– who also knows something {Read More}