Hurry Up And Slow Down, (AKA Please Let Me Be Better Tomorrow).

Multitasking with little kids underfoot is an unfair, thankless, contact sport. It really just is. Because no matter what I’m feeling, thinking, or wanting in this season of my life, there will always be at least three small people needing to eat (again?!), needing to be reminded to not stand on the table (looking at you, Blondie), and needing to physically be moved from location to location. All. Day. Long. Wiping the same portion of the same (shockingly not spotless) {Read More}

Taking Our Show On The Road (And Highway).

We had a road trip this weekend. Or rather, the road trip had us. In numbers: 17- the hours of drive time 1- the hourly span between each of the first three rest stops 49- grade, out of 100, that we rated the West Virgina Hampton Inn where we spent one overnight 45- minutes spent looking for the crib said Hampton Inn promised would be in our room (2- times we checked on the availability of the crib prior to {Read More}

My Sister Got Married And All I Got…

(…was this lousy pair of sunglasses. Actually, I like the shades quite a bit.) Over the weekend, my youngest sister Emma and her fiancé Dan got married. Here’s why it was special: Originally intended for May of 2015, this ceremony was quickly whipped into shape by dear family and friends (and family friends) so that neither chemo nor cancer could stand in the way of our Dad walking Em down the aisle. Here’s why it was cool: The small group {Read More}

The Secret To Marriage. Kinda.

Friends, I think I’ve figured out the secret to a happy marriage. And yes, it only took me 6.5 years. And yes, this is a terribly materialistic story. Right before last weekend, P.J. emailed me a listing for a gargantuan estate sale. A big ol’ antique store and theatre prop wonderland was shuttering after over forty years of collecting Chicagoland treasures. And when he sent me the email, I knew it was true love- because P.J. a) prefers to not {Read More}

There’s This Guy.

Thirty-three years ago on this very day, a pretty spectacular guy was born. And I was lucky enough to stumble into his path roughly 23 years later. And I haven’t stopped falling for him since. Because with every option open to him on this day, he chooses to make gargantuan Play Doh creations with his daughters. Let his baby boy crawl all over him. Return books to the library, run errands necessary to the household, and maybe- just maybe- watch {Read More}

Ten Years Ago, Or- Good Thing I’m Persistent.

Ten years ago, I met this guy. It wasn’t the day we started dating or anything momentous like that- just…around the time this person sort of ambled into my life, wielding a headshot and resumé and easily the most earnest smile I’d ever seen. I couldn’t tell you what he was wearing- probably a t-shirt and jeans or corduroy pants with ducks on them- but the smile and the fact that it fully reached his eyes has been written on {Read More}

Jasper Unlocks Achievement: 9 Months.

Jasper. You are now 9 months, which- as everyone knows- is exactly halfway to 31 years old. Soon you will vote, drive, and shave. Which would be the total reverse if you were an anxious girl of the Armenian persuasion like your mother. (Ba-dum-ching.) But while I have you living in my home for a teensy bit longer, I’d like to lay out the things about you which never fail to make me smile. (And, let’s be honest, I owe {Read More}

Dear Dad.

Hi there Pop/Dave- can I call you Dave? Still no? Fine/Dad… I know you’re tired. I know you’re frustrated and depressed about fighting such an unfair uphill battle. And I know how much you’re hating it that I’m blogging about something a father and his kid should never have to discuss, especially not on the interwebs, but there you have it. I don’t make the rules. I mean, I made this one, but other than that? No power. Because if {Read More}