Hey there, Jasper- You’re two months old. Already. And finally. In some ways it seems like time is screaming past; mere seconds ago I was laughing at the knowledge of you in the recovery room and now you’re practically walking. (Okay, not really. But you’re clearly physically gifted- anyone can see that.) In other ways it feels like you’ve been here forever and always; in our hearts and faces and laps. The time spent with you since your arrival has {Read More}
The Secret To Valentine’s Day.
I’ve had some pretty spectacular Valentine’s Days in the past. Romantic ones. Quiet ones. Ones where the evening cost way too much money, and others where it barely cost a dime. Thusly, I kinda consider myself an expert. And as such, I’ve figured out the perfect formula: Have more than one Valentine with whom to spend the day. I actually have four. They all celebrate with me in very different ways- although none of them particularly ascribe to the diamonds {Read More}
Wednesday Roundup! Also, A Colander Hat.
It’s Wednesday! Friday’s Valentine’s Day (yay!), and it’s still really cold (boo), although I’ve currently got a sweet-smelling newborn sleeping under my chin (yay!), but it’s also my Dad’s chemo day (boo). So- warm loving Cupid-shaped fuzzies, soft n’ fleecy things, snuggly squeezes, and nary a chemo side-effect to you [Dad]. On to the recap! On Thursday, I admitted that I might hafta hand off my Mother of the Year mug to someone more deserving. Over at Chicago Parent last {Read More}
Six Weeks: A Photo Comparison.
In honor of Jasper’s Six Weekiversary…(and because I’m frighteningly obsessed with my children’s faces) I decided to compare and contrast each kiddo’s head at around the same age. May I present to you: Nora. Roughly six weeks old. Not thrilled about it. Susannah. Roughly six weeks old. Thrilled about everything. (Although questioning her Mom’s Hipstamatic habit.) Jasper. Roughly six weeks old. Cheerfully resigned to it all. In conclusion…our kids have alarmingly chubby cheeks and reaaaally big eyes. Other than that, I think {Read More}
Good Friends And Crazy Children.
So, the good people connected to my darling little family continue to be exceptionally Good People. And I realize I’ve been horribly remiss with all of these shout-outs in forgetting to acknowledge my friend Bethany- quite possibly one of my best friends in the history of friendship- who hoofed it over to my house on multiple early mornings so that I didn’t have to pack Zu and Jasper into the car on preschool drop-off mornings. And who then proceeded to stay {Read More}
One Month Old. Slow Your Roll, Kid.
Hey Jasper, This is your Mom: you know, the blurry body pillow who smells vaguely of coconut oil and tortilla chips? Happy one month, slugger. I’d ask the cliched question of Where Has The Time Gone…but I totally know. By the time you and I came home from the hospital, it was Christmas Eve Eve…then Christmas and New Years came and went in a blur of foil wrapping paper and 2am feedings…then came the revolving door of relatives and best {Read More}
Aversion To Reality: Television Edition.
Sunday evening, 9:44pm: Jasper stared me in the eye, opened his mouth wide in recognition, and gave me his first real I am so thrilled you’re here smile. 9:44:07pm: It hit me- not for the first time- that I was stupidly in love with this little boy. 9:44:15pm: Jasper, still smiling, turned his head to the side and spit up an impressive amount of his last feeding. 9:44:19pm: Checked in with self- still stupid, still in love. In other news, a.k.a. {Read More}
A New Gig And At Least One Bathtub Photo.
Okay guys, this will be the shortest weekly recap in the history of ever…because I only have two things to report: My re-admittance to the blogging world after the birth of my son/all the holidays/etc., etc., etc… And the complete awesomesauceitude of my new job blogging for The Mix, 101.9 FM, a fabulously fabulous radio station here in Chicago. 2014 is waving the ol’ banner of Terrific, thus far. Keep it up, 2014. And wow, that’s a short post, right? {Read More}