Pos’sicle. This weekend was nuts. Not because we left Chicago during rush hour- which we did- to spend a day and a half in Cincinnati, allowing ourselves the privilege of multiple hours along Indiana’s most scenic of highways (also true). And not because it was our first free weekend without overnight guests since early June- which was also strangely true. (What is the allure, people? We have no central A/C and are asleep on the couch as soon as NJ {Read More}
The Only Thing To Fear Is A 20lb Baby.
Abandoned. Pregnancy dreams are rotten. For the past two nights, I’ve had some doozies. Now- granted- I’ve been having extraordinarily vivid dreams since I was a little kid (they used to be nightmares, but now that I’ve “grown up” and kinda had FEAR redefined…the dreams just seem harmlessly freaky in retrospect. Although the recurring one I’ve had about someone screaming at me in train tunnel- since I was four– still qualifies). But these are pretty nitro. Two nights ago, I {Read More}
And no baby classes this time, either!
A good friend of ours (and neighbor! Like real people who have neighbor friends!) recently lent me his copies of Brain Age 2 and The Curious Village for the Nintendo DS. This is timely. As someone who cannot for a day lapse on the staving off o’ dementia, not to mention the much-debated Preggo Brain (’cause as much as I hate to rely on hormonal excuses, I showed up for work last month sans diapers and/or milk. For a ten {Read More}
The sun’ll come out…in August.
Not only not recent, but not even ME. I am le tired. Perhaps it is the weather- this eternal just-on-the-cusp-of-March drizzle with twenty minute long bursts of quickly disappearing actual light- that makes me want to jump out a window. Except that my first floor is a half story up and the top level not high enough to really make a dramatic impact. (But maybe- just maybe- that’s the kinda window jumping I prefer.) (And then I remember that a {Read More}
Sick. But not the way the cool kids say it.
Go lay down, Keely. Who didn’t see this one coming? I got le sick. Nora so generously gave me her cold- and it mutated into a special blend of adult yuck, fatigue x a trillion, and the whinies. I know that, in the past, I’ve made fun of certain gentlemenfolk and their inability to a) be sick, and b) empathize with those so afflicted. (And it still stands. ‘Cause it’s really, really funny and so often true.) Nevertheless! I’ve outdone {Read More}
On The Town With Keely.
Have you ever injured yourself in a really embarrassing way? The kind of OW that you’d rather no one know about- yet that you CANNOT keep to yourself? Like, despite your shame at your own awkwardness, you really need someone to ask if you’re all right? Except, when they do, their query is disproportionate to the amount of sympathy a body-ending pain like yours warrants? And when they ask, sighing, if there’s anything they can DO, you respond that- No, {Read More}
Hmm. Awfully muggy for "Fall."
Rearranging the dining room. It is officially Fall. I know this because a) I own a calendar [app], and b) people keep wishing each other a Happy Solstice on Facebook. (What did I DO before Facebook? I’ll tell you- I wrote in a paper journal and called P.J. eighty times a day to tell him hilarious anecdotes. I think we can all agree that Facebook has kickstarted my blogging and saved my marriage.) Also a marriage-saver: Last night P.J. found {Read More}
Nora’s well-rested, if that counts.
This past week and weekend proved, without a doubt, that I am in very real danger of early onset dementia. The crosswords and brain teasers no longer stave them off. It’s official- I’m demented. Sure, we’ve been skipping all over the country, city, and state. And absolutely, sleep has been the first thing to be sacrificed. But seriously, I’m forgetting my middle name[s] at this point. It began when I confused this coming week of work with next week’s. To {Read More}