Anyone have a Tums?

So, in roughly the amount of time it took to BUILD a new (and smallish) house, we managed to PURCHASE one! For crazy amounts of Monopoly money that I was briefly allowed to touch before it was snapped up in the hands of Lawyers. (Would someone like to buy me a sandwich? I feel that to make this purchase work, we may have to forego “food” for a while.) It’s totally worth it! No apartment number EVER AGAIN! We sat {Read More}

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So, good news and bad news.  The good news is that, as of today, the house we wish to purchase is not haunted. So far. Insomuch as we know.  The bad news? A little hauntin’ and the subsequent exorcism may have proved cheaper financially. (Not spiritually. You can’t put a price tag on otherworldly security. Besides, I’d be a horrid “post-haunt” interview. Lots of tears.) Turns out, we need a new roof. Not immediately, but soon. Ish. So we’re probably {Read More}