There’s something quite special about waking up on a Monday morning- and feeling like you’re already way behind. Here’s the problem: On the weekends, I like to play this game called I Have No Responsibility. It’s true. I don’t know where this bad habit came from. I’ve never in my life had more to do on the weekends and have never been better at disregarding it. It’s strange. Most weekend mornings, Peej and Nora let me sleep in ’til the 7 {Read More}
Day three of kiddo fever= rage about The Issues.
Oh my goodness. Now, I’m not usually one for “current” media. I read the Sunday paper, of course- the trifecta of the Sunday Mag, Parade and “the funners.” Always. I try to keep up with environmental, health and local political stuff. But no, I’m not a rabid news follower. (Then again, I kinda don’t have to be. I’m married to a guy who has The Huffington Post tattooed onto his corneas. He likes to tell me The Issues right before {Read More}
Turkish appetizers and Mexican helado- must be the 4th!
As I sit here typing, I can hear my daughter’s rageful meows from the room directly above me. (Seriously, she sounds like the cats. I think they have a thing going on where they decided if they all sound alike, then we’ll come running all the time. I don’t quite get this logic, but then again- I’m neither an 8 month old human nor a 6 year old cat.) She had decided she was too tired to even hold up her head {Read More}
Home is where the Swiffer is.
My Wii Fit was snarky to me this morning. We have a history, that thing and I do. Back in January it called me obese. Then the boxing instructor openly mocked me. And if it’s been a bit of time between sessions, the Wii console character is all- Well howdy DO, lazy butt! My “trainer” is condescending. And forever changing her hairstyle. And wondering if- perhaps- I’m putting too much pressure on my toes. Or my heels. Ease up, heifer! {Read More}
Rock n’ roll lifestyle, indeed.
What a wonky start to the day. It’s Monday, it’s boiling hot, it’s swamptacular…and it’s- quite unexpectedly- my day off. Mr. C has a raging fever (feel better, li’l man) and- even worse- it was supposed to be his first day of camp. And his counselor’s name is Nora. And he loves our Nora. Sadness all around. Except, of course, that means Miss Nora Janie and I have a Get Out Of Responsibility Free card. Unless you count the usual crazyville that {Read More}
It’s only a problem if you acknowledge it.
Happy Flag Day! I am totally kidding, Annie. Happy 30th! (This especially falls under the category of “not cool” since our dear Annie is, in fact, a Brit.) Things have changed a little bit since our combined 23rd birthday parties- the fashion, minimum wage, the “interwebs”- but she doesn’t look a day over 25. (Especially not the day after 25. That was a rough one.) Let’s do the weekend out of order, shall we? First up: the season premiere of True {Read More}
‘Binge’ is such a harsh word.
I wasn’t kidding about the Hidden Mallard puzzle. Way back on Monday I was explaining the significance of the puzzle on Birthday Day (very different than Birthday Week, etc, etc) as crucial to the briefly rainy portion of the afternoon. Some people laughed- Oh hah, aren’t they being quaint- doing a puzzle with a mallard! Others might have thought I was playing up the dork factor for effect and never actually engaged in any sort of cryptic mallardy activities. The Mallard is {Read More}
Why yes, that was a picture at the Bean.
I just love holidays. This is no secret. So, uh, a weekend devoted to mothers? (Yes, it’s a weekend.) I accept. In fact, this 30 day span includes Mother’s Day, our anniversary, Memorial Day and my birthday. Cinco de Mayo just missed the cut. With the exception of Cinco de Mayo and Memorial Day, someone around here is feelin’ the holiday pressure. And it sure isn’t me. (And Nora never lets stuff like that get to her.) But, so far, he’s stepped {Read More}