He’ll Be The Prettiest Of Them All!

Why do you need another? Before we continue on to The Pressing Issues, I’d like to acknowledge that I’m just as sick of the pregnancy talk as you are. Maybe even moreso, since I’ve got the pregnancy thought and the pregnancy insomnia. What I wouldn’t give for a good anecdote from the club. (It doesn’t MATTER which club- so long as there’s a decent bar special and a questionable DJ.) That said, as I am 33 days away from having another {Read More}

Sick. But not the way the cool kids say it.

Go lay down, Keely. Who didn’t see this one coming? I got le sick. Nora so generously gave me her cold- and it mutated into a special blend of adult yuck, fatigue x a trillion, and the whinies. I know that, in the past, I’ve made fun of certain gentlemenfolk and their inability to a) be sick, and b) empathize with those so afflicted. (And it still stands. ‘Cause it’s really, really funny and so often true.) Nevertheless! I’ve outdone {Read More}

Intensive porpoises.

[Note: This posting was, for all intents and purposes, ready to go this a.m. However, apparently I wasn’t. Really, all I had to do was do a li’l spell check, edit some late night phrases that don’t do so well in the light of day (and vice versa) and hit ‘publish post.’ Yup. Couldn’t even manage that.  To be fair, I was awfully busy ruining my daughter’s life and stranding a three year-old in the line for preschool pickup. One super sick {Read More}

Sounds like all we do is watch TV and fail to sleep.

I looked at the clock this a.m. with a sense of pride. 7:30. It wasn’t even eight o’clock yet and I had already: woken up (a big deal), fed the baby, bathed the baby, re-rinsed the baby (she had some Cheerios in ear-like places…and one right square on her cheek- my bad), decided against rinsing myself (yep, that took time), cleaned the first floor bathroom and half-heartedly done the dishes. As I got Nora ready for her first nap of the day, {Read More}