Nighttime isn’t for sleeping! It’s for rockin’ the party.

I fear I’ve become…bland. Don’t get me wrong, I totally and fully dig my current life, but I worry that my “adventures” have become a little PG to those of my pals sans kiddos. I will strive to be racier. Let’s try it out. This past weekend…we bought our Christmas tree. (Sigh. Oh well.) We quite possibly spent waaay too long debating the merits of Balsam vs. Frasier Fir. Couldn’t tell you what they are NOW, but at the time {Read More}

Hey there, Scorpio baby!

Well, this is it. The end of Date Night Month. (And, uh, the BEGINNING OF THE REST OF MY LIFE AS A PARENT AND NON-SLEEPER.) October has treated me pretty well. This week alone we rounded out the dates with a viewing of “Where the Wild Things Are” (I cried, surprise, surprise), a yum dinner at Kiki’s Bistro (no relation) for Peej’s birthday (we had steak pomme frites- bringing us up to…four steaks this week. Nice life) a walk in {Read More}

One. Week. Left. (What pressure?)

To Whom It May Concern; It has recently come to my attention that the master bathroom shower vent has fallen to the floor. Due to its previous placement (above the aforementioned shower), newer problems have shown themselves in the form of gaping ceiling holes (okay, only one, but I’ve seen enough X-Files episodes to know how this can end) and frequent bursts of really warm air that, with the addition of a warmer water temperature, can turn into really, really {Read More}

Are they trying to intimidate me?

Well, I needn’t have been worried. With the end of Great Expectations (the class, not the book- I finished that in ’96) I feared that my baby saga would no longer be funny- or, worse yet, no longer bring up relevant and timely pregnancy ads on my sidebar. (Have you noticed them? I get maybe an eighth of a cent every time you use one. Click click, people!) As it turns out, being pregnant is still SO MUCH FUN that {Read More}

Just like a feral cat!

Firstly, let me terrify everyone who may be having a child within the next nine months… Have you read about the woman who got pregnant WHILST pregnant? serious, this is a bit much. One woman, pregnant- twice- within three weeks. PUT HER HUSBAND IN ANOTHER ROOM, PLEASE! No matter how “rare” the doctors say this may be, *one* case within earshot of my pregnancy is entirely one too many. Pretty much the only perk of the first trimester is {Read More}

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So, good news and bad news.  The good news is that, as of today, the house we wish to purchase is not haunted. So far. Insomuch as we know.  The bad news? A little hauntin’ and the subsequent exorcism may have proved cheaper financially. (Not spiritually. You can’t put a price tag on otherworldly security. Besides, I’d be a horrid “post-haunt” interview. Lots of tears.) Turns out, we need a new roof. Not immediately, but soon. Ish. So we’re probably {Read More}