As my Dad undergoes his second round of chemo this morning, I wanted to remind him of how thoroughly awesome he’s always been. He has- quite literally- always been there for me. Like when it was 30 degrees and snowing during my [outdoor] college graduation. In May. (A few years back.) …To watch me receive a Frisbee-shaped diploma. And ever since, to witness my [sometimes painful]
Trees And Panic And Church. And Drinking.
“I have no idea what’s happening!”- Suzy I’ve been feeling very behind, rather frantic, and Not. In. The. Holiday. Spirit. At. All. And as ads (and Facebook) have been reminding me…there’s only a few short weeks left to get it all done. And this made me panic. Until I realized that it’s December 3rd. THIRD. Not twenty-third. This is actually the official start to the Christmas season.
Five Reasons My Heart Feels Good Today.
Wearin’ our buttons for Pop! Socks, no. Buttons, yes. So maybe I missed the boat on the whole pre-Thanksgiving Giving Thanks thing…but I’ve compiled a nice little list of stuff that makes me exceptionally cheerful today. 5) My Dad is officially Dave: Unplugged. (From the wires and IVs and pokey things that make it hard to sleep.) Even though he’s still in the hospital, he’s now Mobile[ish]
That Dave. What A Charmer.
This adorable urchin… Turned into this urban cowboy… Who then turned into the guy who’s gonna be so thrilled that I keep posting pix of him on the interwebz. (And who’s gonna just have to get better soon and ground me, himself.)
The One For My Dad.
This post isn’t snarky, silly, or sarcastic. No memes. No misheard lyrics or whimsical pictures of my kids being childlike. And not even one reference to my cats. This is a post for my Dad. Put quite simply, he’s my hero. He gave me the first Boston album I ever owned (Third Stage), drove with me to the drugstore after my first period, and took me to see Etta James in concert after a
You Don’t Tug On Superman’s Cape.
“…And then, the King smote all of the princesses’ suitors…” Let me paint a little picture of heroics for you. The four of us- Peej, Nora, Zuzu, and myself- were sitting and having a lovely dinner. Well, “lovely” might be a loose term. In fact, it had gotten downright stressful, due to the fact that Nora was bouncing around her chair like a pinball and Susannah was laughing like a loon at her sister’s antics. “Where is her booster seat?” {Read More}
Popapalooza ’11
It was a really great weekend. Sure, Keely, you say. You always have a good time/eat too much food/nap during the chaos/watch MST3k your Dad and old movies with your Mom. What made this trip so boss? He shreds. Well, there was live music. Featuring my Dad. And two bands. Three if you count my sister Chelly wailing on the vocals. And the food was in a buffet- that means that no one really knew how much food was consumed. (Secret: new {Read More}
Is that like Baker Street?
Last night I had a dream that I had the most amazing blog post. It was timely, well-written, and was essentially gonna make everyone understand that I had Something To Say. Unfortunately, by the time I realized I had not yet posted the thing, it was 5pm. And, as everyone knows, due to a self-imposed and completely random timetable, I need to have the blog posted by 11am. If not earlier. So I went to post the darn thing, but somehow {Read More}