I Just Got My First Tattoo. (A Dad Story.)

Three days after my Dad died, I got a tattoo. My very first tattoo. Lemme back up: I had never- never- wanted a tattoo before. Even with the magnitude of incredible events I’ve been privy to in my 34 years (like, you know, creating THREE PEOPLE), there was never a symbol that I needed have on my body. Certainly not one dug into place by a whirring and rather sharp needle. (The fear trifecta, for those of you playing along at {Read More}

St. Patrick’s Week, AKA Recovery Monday.

Happy Monday-after-the-Saturday-before-St.-Patrick’s-Day, you guys! The Saturday in question of which I did not celebrate. You know why? Because even though my name is Flynn and even though I live in a Celt-happy town, this weekend shindig has devolved into an embarrassingly excessive Rage Fest which has very little to do with a) saints, b) Ireland, and c) anything other than copious amounts of green beer and Mardi Gras(?!) beads. For the record, drunken driving and the vomiting off of bridges {Read More}

Well, That About Sums It Up, Now Doesn’t It?

Since I’m clearly incapable of linear thought these days- not to mention linear zip codes- here’s a smattering of photos that I quite dig from the past week: Aren’t they adorable? P.J. found this portrait from my Dad’s studio session with his band. My Dad rocks the headphones/pensive look. P.J. rocks the “is this a mirror image of what your Dad’s doing?” look. (We all have our strengths.) I found this gem among my Mom’s letters. Please note the birthday {Read More}

Love, Snacks & Impressive Skills.

Here is what I know this week: I’m surrounded by exceptional people, always. The concepts of community and family aren’t limited to bloodlines or zip codes. Life is so fleeting, so beautiful, and so…much. Additionally, my son wants more graham crackers. This is another thing I know.   Because I’m focused so extra hard on my babiest of babies today (sorry, J), let’s go ahead and show his newest trick. (He might be the only person I’ve ever birthed who {Read More}

RoundUp: Chicago Things, Print Things & Adorable Things.

Ah, the round up. It’s actually a collection of things I’ve written, things on which I’ve collaborated, and things I dig oh-so much. So, really, it should just be called “things.” Things: One of my articles from the inaugural issue of Hey Baby Chicago got republished on Chicago Parent, and it’s pretty much the only advice you’ll need about bed rest, ever. (Ever.) There’s this great web series called Millennial Parents (seriously great, seriously short), and I had the supra-fun {Read More}

RoundUp: Outdoor Activities & Cozy Fun.

Friends! You’d think that, after such a long blogging break like I just took (you were aware that I took a blog break, right? Say yes), I wouldn’t have a heck of a lot to post for a round-up. But I do. Because= internet. Here’s what I’ve been up to: Well, first off, I went to Las Vegas. Here’s Part 1 of the wild n’ crazy, what happens in Vegas gets blogged about the following Monday. (Part 2 goes live {Read More}

A Museum Of Science Giveaway! Go Play, Chicago!

Disclaimer: I was given free passes to Chicago’s Museum of Science & Industry in exchange for my giveaway, but all thoughts, opinions, and terrible senses of direction are entirely my own. *** It’s no secret that Chicago has some of the best museums in the world. One of my absolute favorites- again, no secret- is the Museum of Science & Industry. I could spend days there. Even if there weren’t new exhibits opening all the time (which there are), I’d {Read More}

Chicago, Bring Back The Boot. (Please.)

To Whom It May Concern: Sirs and Madams of the Chicago Christkindlmarket planning committee, there’s something that you might not know. The main draw of the outdoor Christmas market- even more than jockeying for face space while purchasing miniature glass animals or peeking a look at the Santa hidden in this year’s workshop/eco dome(!?)- is the ability to consume an alcoholic beverage out of a ceramic boot. This year- similar to last year’s troubling turn of events- found us sans {Read More}