But who’s gonna meter my rage?

            Today’s post is a failed attempt at guest-blogging for a bigger site. So I’m using it here- ’cause I LIKE it, even if it met none of the previously-non-mentioned-but-yeah-it-kinda-makes-sense criteria. It’s just as well- I’m horrid at following directions (baking, unplugging my laptop during a storm, that whole waiting after eating to swim…)            I wrote it about a month ago. Ah, how simple things were back then. They were different times. {Read More}

Put THAT in your system.

The Census is convinced that there are multiple families residing here. Like, slightly psychotic ex-girlfriend convinced. (“Are you sure there’s no one else? I saw you out with someone.” “Uh, that was my sister.”) There is nothing I can do to alleviate their suspicions- or, more rudely, to get them to leave us the heck alone. We filled out the initial Census form. Promptly. We had a few self-congratulatory moments acknowledging how on top of things we were. Sure, we have {Read More}