10 years of Lollygag Blog. (Fairly bonkers ones, at that.)

10 years. Oh, friends. This is an absolutely crazy post to, well, post. On Monday? Lollygag Blog is 10 years old. TEN! For those of you with whom I’ve only chatted/covered rando events/foisted my children upon…I was not always the minivan-rollin’ 38 year-old on the other side of this screen, oh no. (And yep, I’m a newly minted 38 year-old! In case you missed the treetop announcements yesterday. I’m awfully bad at not proclaiming my birthday like a be-crowned preschooler.) {Read More}

Can a Nutberg shake save your day? (Probably.)

Disclosure: This sponsored post is brought to us by the lovely peeps at Nutberg. Although I’m compensated, all thoughts, opinions, and ‘Hamilton’ cups are entirely my own. *** I get hangry. (A lot.) And since going gluten and dairy-free, there are certain times of day that are way, way harder than others. Lookin’ at you, 2pm. Because of this, I was superbly excited to try out Nutberg, whole ingredient meal replacements/carpool saviors with zero fake stuff on the back. Oats? {Read More}

10 years ago today. (An anniversary story.)

10 years ago today: I wore an absolutely gigantic lily in my absolutely gigantic hair 10 years ago today. P.J. chose that morning- of all mornings- to attempt shaving against the grain. Our geriatric organist appeared to be having a stroke during roughly half of the ceremony. My throat, which had been scratchy for the prior week, was downright on fire for the entire day. Our professional photographer made some odd creative choices: among them, neglecting the majority of the {Read More}

7 non-failures that definitely happened this week!

Today, I felt like making a list of minor victories that occurred over the week. You know, the kind of stuff that usually goes unchampioned but, in a week where I pretty much wanted to face-plant in the hallway, deserves a bit of an after-the-fact high-five? Yep, those. And I totally invite you to make your own list of non-failures! Sometimes it’s nice to realize that, at least on paper, a pretty hard week was also a pretty a-ok one. {Read More}

Keeping married life spicy: Legality edition

Right before our 10th anniversary, P.J. and I have hit upon a way to keep our married life really exciting. Like, “edge of your seat” exciting. Like, wait, are we really even married exciting. So. We’re heading out of town next month- out of the country, in fact- Mexico, in fact fact- and I realized that a) my passport needed updating, and b) my last name had never been updated after our wedding. No problem! (Other than the fact that I {Read More}

Time and focus and getting involved.

Let’s talk “time.” So, I say this about once a month, but I really need to focus. Working from home- and for multiple publications- it’s way too easy to field emails as they come in, work on articles in 10-minute bursts, and generally make yourself available ’round the clock. Which, unsurprisingly, results in sub-par work, sub-par parenting, sub-par sense of self (nothing is EVER actually finished!), and sub-par…everything else. I’ve decided to actually- for realsies- keep “office hours” this summer, {Read More}

Bullet journaling & failing miserably & you! (Me.)

It seems like everyone and their whole ‘Whole 30’ crew are bullet journaling. But to the uninitiated, the concept of the BuJo (kill me now) can be overwhelming. So I offer up to you, dear friends, a peek inside a page of my very own bullet journal…on a blog. (And yes, many people like to keep the list all jumbled together with different methods of annotating them, but I generally like to keep separate categories for my musings. I think {Read More}

Today. (A story of love & sunshine, not in that order.)

Today. Today I was going to do work. Real work. A lot of real work. (The kind that pays real money.) I was also going to clean. A lot. For absolutely no money whatsoever. But then. The sun came out. And the temps leapfrogged into the low 70s. (For the first time in eight hundred million years.) And Jasper asked me to go to the park. (And he’ll only be four years old for about seventeen more seconds.) It’ll snow {Read More}