Happy summer! Happy solstice! Happy roughly ten weeks of zero public school drop off, pick up, stand up, sit down, fight fight fight! (And to my longtime readers/framily, happy “We know you’re going to be posting with the regularity of a cheerfully confused wombat” season to us all!) As I enter into this highly anticipated season with my kids, the wind-down of the school year has allowed my brain to acknowledge some rather unusual things about myself that have started {Read More}
39 and feeling good and indulgent birthday posts
39. Good gracious. There’s something so self-indulgent about a birthday blog post, isn’t there? Thanks for indulging my self-indulgence. Today, I am 39. Thirty nine. That’s…a number right there. (Special note to friends and family over the age of 39: Thanks in advance for not smacking me upside the head. Because I’m gonna talk about it a little bit longer.) Because 39. It feels heavy. Like, your parents are 39, right? (Except they’re totally not; they’re most likely 50 and {Read More}
Cirque du Soleil’s Big Top ‘Volta’ surges with energy
Brace yourself for Volta: 30 years ago, Cirque du Soleil came to Chicago for the first time with its show Cirque Réinventé; the love affair between Chicagoans and the Canadian company is still going quite strong in 2019 with Volta, the company’s 25th production. There’s nothing quite like a big top show, and Cirque remains firmly unmatched in terms of filling every inch of this kind of gargantuan space with energy and jaw-dropping talent. (Cirque’s tent, situated right outside of {Read More}
21 things my daughters need to see me do (often)
21 things my daughters need to see me do (often): My daughters need to see me apologize when I’ve truly, honestly messed up. To my husband, to my friends and, yep, to my kids. They also need to see me: Hold out- and push for- a real apology when someone else has really, truly messed up. (And thoroughly eradicate “no worries” from my vocabulary as an automatic argument-ender when there should legit be some “worries.”) (Stop saying/posting/pre-empting potentially upsetting/important conversations {Read More}
Change…is hard.
Change. …is hard. That could be the whole dang post right there, couldn’t it? CHANGE IS HARD. (It won’t be, however, because “concise” is not my “thing.”) Sometimes- as the case was this past winter- the name of the game was Stillness. Mandatory, forced, if-you-don’t-stop-this-junk-and-stay-still-your-brain-will-break Stillness. At first it was incredibly difficult and felt more like stagnation than a resting period. (Then I got over that real real quick and took daily naps and read entire mystery series and had {Read More}
If 18 year-old Me saw me now. (A helpful primer!)
20 years ago, I was a college freshman. I had plans back then, you guys. Like Plans in capital letters. I was thinking about this baby version of myself the other day as I was living my fully grown, decidedly non-college freshman life. This train of thought quickly turned to “Oh my goodness, what would 18 year-old Me think if she were plopped down into my 2019 day?” (I can’t be the only one who has thoughts like this every {Read More}
Valentine’s Day & mental illness & I promise this one ends well.
Yes, this one concerns a bit o’ mental illness… But it’s really a Valentine’s Day story. (With a tiny bit of mental illness all up in there too.) I promise that it is. So. Back when I was little, I was convinced that the perfect Valentine’s Day involved cellophane-wrapped hearts and truckloads of roses and lilies and Golden Era romantic comedies on a loop. (To be quite honest, that is the perfect Valentine’s Day. It just is.) But as I’ve {Read More}